The Industrial LuNAR Grade 3 is the most intelligent ceiling detector available- with a unique bi-directional remote control and a mounting height of up to 8.6m (28')
As the only ceiling mount detector with Anti-Cloak Technology , it detects intruder camouflage attempts and delivers the highest performance level - even at high warehouse temperatures . Industrial LuNAR is optimal for protecting warehouses , due to the installation height of up to 8.6m and due to Anti-Cloak Technology that is able to accurately detect even in the summer heat in non air-conditioned warehouses . Industrial LuNAR is the ideal solution for this application as the detector is difficult to mask or block unintentionally when shelves are rearranged or boxes are stacked up .
RISCO Bus Detectors
Features : * Risco Bus detector with Anti-Cloak Technology * Up to 8.6m (28') mounting height * 360 degrees by 18m (60) diameter coverage pattern * 3 independently adjustable PIR channels for customized coverage * RISCO Bus dramatically reduces cabling installation equipment and labor costs, while providing benefits of remote services * Active IR Anti-Mask on all three channels * Built-in Triple EOL resistors jumper selectable * Remote Control & Diagnostics via PC software or a bi-directional remote control