The wired twin beams are designed for a wide variety of residential and commercial outdoor applications providing reliable and cost-effective perimeter protection of buildings, fences, warehouses, factories, parking lots and gardens. Prices available on request.
RISCO Outdoor Detectors
Features: * Outdoor range up to 75m (250ft) * Twin beams prevent false alarms from flying birds, falling leaves, etc * Quick and easy installation with simple beam alignment * Concealed 180 degrees rotary optical system allows side aiming * Rugged waterproof housing * Adjustable beam interruption perio * 4 selectable beam frequencies prevent crosstalk between multiple units in long distance or beam stacking applications (Beam 72 only) Model names: (1) RK7115 Twin Beam 15m (50ft). (2) RK7140 Twin Beam 40, (130ft). (3) RK7225 Twin Beam 25m (82ft) (4) RK7250 Twin Beam 50m (165ft) (5) RK7275 Twin Beam 75m (250ft)